All I can say is that if your a 7th grade teacher reading about me, then it will take a while since I have a lot to say about myself.
I have had a great year in 6th grade and grown immensely. Not only academically but physically, socially and mentally. I am going to answer some questions so the 7th grade teachers get a little taste of me. :)
1) What piece of work and learning are you most proud of? Explain.
I am very proud of many pieces of work but the one that stands out for me is my last Literature Circle. I think that I am most proud of this piece of work because it really reflects on how I grew this year and how much work I put into challenging obstacles. My Literature circle is a piece of work that shows my passion for reading. My last literature circle was about a book called The Giver. This book touched me in a way. There were so many connections between Jonas and I. I felt like this book really meant something to me, and that is why it is now my favorite book. My literature circle is my stepping-stone to becoming stronger mostly academically but also a bit mentally. I don't get frustrated easily anymore if I have a bad day and can't think of anything good to write I accept that because I can't change it. I am very proud of my last Lit. Circle.
2) What were your greatest challenges? Explain.
One very hard challenge for me was overcoming adversity not the unit but literally overcoming adversity. I had to say goodbye to a very important person in my life last year in November. This was the time were we had to right essays and a lot of work was piling on top of me. This was very challenging for me because I was in huge grief and under pressure because I wanted to do well on the essay. It was very hard for me to balance both because everyone in my family was sad. It was not an easy time for us. Another thing that affected overcoming adversity was that my dad was not with us. My dad was already working somewhere else and that was also very challenging. With the strength of my friends and great people around me I was able to pull through that hard time. Of course there were many other academic things I struggled with but everyone has those types of struggles. I am very different from other people. In a good way. :)
3) Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?
I learnt a lot about myself as a learner. For example I learnt to look at things in different ways not only one way. I encourage myself to always push harder and that was one thing that learnt. To never give up. To never say never (I love Justin Bieber.) I learnt to always take my time on work and never leave anything to the last minute. For example blogposts, at the beginning of 6th grade I would always finish my homework one day before it was due and the end product was very bad and had no "Umph" in it. If you compare my first few blogposts to my newest blogposts the information is different quality and richer vocabulary use. I have grown immensely this year just like I said in the first paragraph and I think that my work gives all the evidence.
4) To evaluate your work habits, choose 1 of the following from each category (and provide explanations.)
a) Behavior
Could be improved
Perfect-the model student
I would say that I am between satisfactory and perfect. Most of the time I am well behaved but sometimes I just want to have fun and I get talkative in class. Once I get a signal from the teachers I calm down but this is usually when I have an exciting day or I had a great day. I think I am well behaved but not necessarily a model student. I don't like being the center of attention but sometimes I just am and I can't help it but everyone is the center of attention once.
b) Participation
Actively participate in class
I think I actively participate in class because I am very curious and always want to keep the lesson alive. Even if it is not my favorite subject we are learning, I still try to make the most out of it. Even at home my mum says I ask a lot of questions but sometimes that's a good thing and sometimes its not. I enjoy participating in class because it can bring lively hood to a class.
c) Organization
Needs serious help
I am super organized
I think I fall under I am super organized because for some odd reason I love being organized. If I look into my room and its dirty I stop what I am doing straight away and clean up my room. I can't stop it, its just me. Everyone is different in their own way. Being organized is a boost for a lot of school work for example not leaving your homework to the last minute, keeping you locker tidy and organizing you school binders/folders so they are not just a pile of papers. Whenever there is a locker clean out I might have to do one thing and then I am finished. I love helping other people clean up their lockers. I am super organized.
d) Effort
Needs serious help
I always go above and beyond what is required
I think I fall between satisfactory and I always go above and beyond what is required heading more to the satisfactory side. I am not a type of person that tries to get all A's and do extra credit to make a grade better. I think that sometimes it is necessary to go above and beyond and sometimes its not, a person should know the difference. I don't go above and beyond a lot unless it is a very important grade or something like that.
5) Based upon your reflection, write two personal learning goals for Grade 7 next year.
Goal 1.
In grade 7, I plan to improve on not being distracted by Facebook, youtube, chatting or any other social networking while doing homework. At the beginning of the year I did a lot of this and I didn't produce good work. I am now much better but still not 100% so that is a big goal for me in 7th grade.
Goal 2.
Since I am leaving this year another goal for me is to make sure that I do good in the new school and make new friends. I have not been new to a school since 8 years so it will be very hard for me to understand that I am going to be a new student and have to make new friends all over again. Of course I will stay in touch with my old friends via Skype but I won't be able to talk with them everyday. I have to get used to a new beginning, so my goal is to do great in my new school and to make lots of new friends. Wish me luck. :)
6) Is there any more information about yourself that you would like your teachers to know?
Well I think I said it all. I am a very cheerful girl and I come to school with a good attitude. Of course like any other child my age I have my ups and downs. I like to talk, ask questions and make class fun. I love jokes and of course Justin Bieber! Even though all of the 7th grade teachers who are reading this I will not have next year I will never forget ISKL and the wonderful teachers, peers, and much more amazing things about ISKL.
7) Finally, cast your minds back to the first few months of middle school (when you arrived in Grade 6) what "Words of Wisdom" or "Advice" could you pass on to the class of 2018?
Well let me just say will love it! All the different teachers, being with the older kids, MS parties, different classrooms, and of course MALAYSIA WEEK, it is a crazy roller coaster ride but you will always arrive at the end of it safely and then a new door opens to 7th Grade but its to early you think about. In fact its time for me to think about that. :P A few "Words of Wisdom": Don't be afraid of the 7th and 8th graders, never leave your homework to the last minute, stay organized and basically everything I said at the beginning of this blog. You will enjoy middle school and 6th grade. Don't act older, enjoy your last bit of childhood before becoming a teen and going into adolescences. HAVE FUN!
I am not afraid to go forth and become a 7th grader. Some people are. Its just mentality...