Thursday, October 28, 2010

Guns,Germs and Steel

 Even though Papua New Guinea is located in the same region as Australia and New Zealand, why is it that Australia and New Zealand became technologically advanced and wealthy? One of the reasons is because Australia and New Zealand had settlers coming in from Europe and at that time Europe was technologically advanced so they bought everything with them. Another reason is, if you look at a map you can see that Australia and New Zealand were located in an easy place were ships could come and trade with them. One last reason is because Papua New Guinea only have hunters/gatherers because they lived in the jungle and they were busy everyday making sure they had food so they never had the actual time to discover new technology unlike the Australians which started farming and growing crops.

  One of the reasons is because Australia and New Zealand had setters coming in from Europe and at that time Europe was technologically advanced so they bought everything with them. The first settlers that came to New Zealand were the Dutch in 1642, and the first settlers that came to Australia were actually the Dutch but they failed in settling so the British came in 1688. The English were already occupying other countries and they had a lot of criminals in the other countries so they decided to make Australia a "Prison Island" were all of the English criminals were sent to.  When the Dutch came to New Zealand other European countries started to follow the Dutch and they bought with them the newest type of technology. Also the setters found very rich natural resources from Australia and New Zealand so a lot of them came to buy from them. Now moving on to trade and geography.

  Another reason is, if you look at a map you can see that Australia and New Zealand were located in an easy place were ships could come and trade with them. If a country is located as a island and is perfect to be able to sail around, then a lot of people will trade with that country. Foreigners wanted to sail to New Zealand and Australia so they could trade and Papua New Guinea were not able to have foreigners come to them since there would not be enough space and the foreigners mostly cared about Australia and New Zealand since they were bigger and there were setters already there. New Zealand and Australia were close so it was handy for the foreigners because they could go from one country to the other and trade with them. Papua New Guinea didn't get much technology since all of the foreign countries were going to New Zealand and Australia. Now on to farming and jungles.

One last reason is because Papua New Guinea only had hunters/gatherers because they live in the jungle and they were busy everyday making sure they had food so they never had the actual time to discover new technology unlike the Australians and New Zealander's which started farming and growing crops. In Papua New Guinea their is only jungle, so there are no cows or goats that can survive in the jungle and that means that they didn't have animals that could give more then just one thing. For example cows and goats can give milk and meat but boars (which live in the jungle) can only give meat. When the Australians started farming then they lived healthier since they could domesticate animals and get more than one food source. Those were three reasons to why, even though Papua New Guinea is located in the same region as Australia and New Zealand, why is it that Australia and New Zealand became technologically advanced and wealthy?

Papua New Guinea and Australia/New Zealand are three very different countries. New Zealand and Australia are more of tourists sites and attractions to foreigners and on the other side Papua New Guinea is more of a jungle,tribal type of place. Even though two countries are technologically advanced doesn't mean people should treat Papua New Guineans differently.

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